Electric car or hybrid car: which insurance to choose?

Thanks to the aid granted by the State, the green car is arousing growing interest among the French. However, there are important differences between electric cars and hybrid vehicles.


More and more electric and hybrid vehicles are coming onto the market. If these two types of vehicles have a common origin of electric motorization, many points differentiate them. Should you opt for an electric or hybrid vehicle? Which insurance to choose? Explanations.

Electric or hybrid vehicle: what are the differences?

The choice between an electric car and a hybrid car depends first on the use you want to make of it (type of trip, kilometers traveled, budget). A gasoline or diesel hybrid car has an electric motor or a battery to recover the kinetic energy associated with deceleration or braking to transform it into electricity. This is used to drive a few extra kilometers in electric mode. In the case of a hybrid car, there is no fuel tank or combustion engine. The electric motor is associated with a large battery that can be recharged through a public terminal.


Hybrid cars have the advantage of being very economical, ideal for driving around town and versatile. However, their long-term reliability is not established and complex repairs can be costly in the event of a breakdown. As for electric cars, they do not emit CO2, require little maintenance and their cost is attractive. However, their autonomy remains low (between 150 and 200 km) while their charging time is around 9 hours.


What insurance for your electric or hybrid car?

Insurers generally reward drivers who have chosen an economical and less dangerous vehicle.


To calculate the price of insurance for an electric vehicle, they are based on many criteria including the frequency of claims that have occurred with this type of car and the formula chosen. Indeed, the insured who wishes to benefit from effective coverage can opt for an all-risk formula and benefit from a price almost similar to that of insurance for a conventional vehicle. The battery in hybrid vehicles is often leased by the dealer. In this case, it is important to insure it at the time of purchase or to add it to your auto insurance contract.


There are also insurance contracts dedicated to hybrid vehicles. Thus, insurance for these vehicles is often cheaper than others. To find the car insurance you need, do not hesitate to use an online comparator. By going through a broker, you will be sure to subscribe to the least expensive and most efficient car insurance. This professional accompanies you from the moment of subscription and can give you valuable advice if you are lost in the face of the many insurance policies available. Finally, you should know that a driver who has just bought an electric or hybrid car is not obliged to stay with the same insurer. The termination of the contract is relatively simple and possible provided that the notice periods are respected.
