How to choose your ITSM software (IT Service Management)

Accompanying the digital transition of many companies, ITSM, or Information Technology Service Management, has been gaining momentum in recent years. Based on rigorous standards, ITSM solutions now represent an essential cross-functional tool to better meet user expectations. By exploiting self-service and promoting automation, these tools are the new weapon for CIOs to ensure more satisfaction when processing requests. Two major assets characterize them: on the one hand, compliance with regulatory constraints, and on the other hand, their ability to free up quality time for the processing of complex requests by IT. ITSM software thus meets the constantly increasing needs generated by the digitalization of companies.

With nearly 75% of French companies using these solutions in 2017, the interest in structuring IT is well established. While some publishers still have to work on the scalability and user-friendliness of their solution, the growing demand and the prospects offered by technological progress suggest bright days for ITSM and its users.


What is ITSM and what is its history?

The origins of ITSM are closely linked to the appearance of ITIL, the Information Technology Infrastructure Library, on which it is based. This set of methods and good practices for the management of information systems appeared in the early 2000s and quickly became popular with companies thanks to its ability to structure IT. Constantly evolving to reach its fourth version today, ITIL first covered very factual subjects such as incident management, change management or configuration management, before including, in its V3 (2007) , a more transverse aspect of overall satisfaction of business services. IT then takes on a more human dimension and integrates notions of service portfolio management, service catalog and continuous improvement.

V4 of ITIL, launched at the beginning of 2019, adds to these elements the need for agility and the unification of the concepts of development and administration of IS via DevOps practice. Based on a four-dimensional model, ITIL V4 encourages the consideration, during development, of the human and technological aspects of the company.


What are the challenges of using ITSM software?

Centralize and simplify procedures

The use of an ITSM tool and ITIL practices makes it possible to formalize a large number of IT-related procedures. Thus, incidents, modifications, or actions to resolve technical problems are subject to standardized processing according to the ITIL standard, and are accompanied by good practices. The objective: to solve the simplest problems upstream and, in the case of complex problems, to structure the exchanges for a faster resolution.

The centralization of data via a dedicated tool allows the creation of service catalogs, assistance centers or knowledge bases, whose rapid access makes it possible to provide an effective response to requests from the entire company.

The modeling of the computer park by ITSM ensures a perfect knowledge of the circulation of data flows and appropriate maintenance of the equipment over time.


Manage autonomy and satisfaction

At the heart of ITSM are many intelligent information compilation devices. Catalogs and service centers constitute well-documented databases, which users are encouraged to consult for themselves. Ticket management services allow for better prioritization of requests. ITSM thus promotes autonomy and frees up time for IT employees and all departments.

The automation of IT tasks is also reinforced: the modeling of workflows by business managers makes it possible to better manage access to key information by IT and to speed up interventions

This work of IT in collaboration with other services and the creation of self-care tools generates more satisfaction on a daily basis for stakeholders wishing to access information at any time.


Better quantify the performance of the IT service

IT service management also allows the establishment of a number of KPIs: these performance indicators are an excellent way to quantify the effectiveness of the IT service. Technical indicators include, for example, incident management, application availability statistics, automation rate, etc., but other very useful KPIs can also be monitored: financial, organizational and human indicators inform CIOs about the efficiency efficiency of the services put in place and on the allocation of resources.

The assessments drawn from these indicators not only make it possible to judge the success of new deployments, but also to justify the acquisition of new resources or the start of major organizational changes. In addition, the use of numerical values makes it possible to better understand the internal satisfaction rate and to draw effective conclusions.


Optimize costs

As you might expect, ITSM allows, thanks to better planning, to optimize IT expenses. The monitoring of the computer park, in the first place, ensures better visibility on the equipment and a better anticipated renewal of the equipment. Automating certain tasks frees up resources for other needs and reduces time spent on repetitive actions. Finally, the creation of assistance centers makes it possible to relieve the teams and better allocate human resources.

Costs are thus better controlled and essential expenses can be planned further in advance for long-term optimization.


Who are the users of ITSM software?

IT management system, but also interface with users, the ITSM tool is the point of contact for multiple stakeholders:



Thanks to the software, information systems managers have a clearer view of the assignment of tasks within their teams. The implementation of best practices and the use of a single tool ensures more harmonious exchanges and exhaustive coverage of IT issues. In addition, CIOs take advantage of ITSM tools to better communicate with business services and offer a quality of service in line with their strategy.


Support employees

Thanks to the use of an ITSM tool, employees assigned to operational tasks have better control over the entry of information, the processing of requests and the escalation of requests. The user-friendliness of the recent interfaces and the support provided by the tool on a daily basis, in particular via alerts, are reassuring elements and generators of greater efficiency.



Employees interacting with IT through an ITSM solution benefit from a single, more pleasant and intuitive interface. This helps to build more trust and allows users to easily track the progress of their request. Self-care tools, designed to find the information you are looking for yourself, are factors of autonomy and satisfaction.


Hat are the main features of ITSM software?

ITSM covers a wide range of functionalities relating to business service support, IT infrastructure management and security management. Among the recurring functions of the tools on the market, we find the following elements:


Incident management

Located at the heart of IT issues, incident management requires proper consideration of all technical problems and fluid exchanges. ITSM tools aim to accelerate the identification and resolution of problems in order to improve both productivity and employee satisfaction. The implementation of a single platform makes it possible to better distribute tasks and collaborate effectively. The introduction of self-care tools reduces the volume of requests and allows better handling of incidents.

ITSM tools also allow specific targeted processing for major incidents: these benefit from precise and rapid information collection and, depending on the tools, intelligent linking with past incidents for resolution. faster. In addition, automatic suggestion devices allow better orientation of requests as soon as they are entered, thus avoiding loss of time or inappropriate processing.


Change Management

During periods of migration or transition, the IT department must be able to fully assume its workload and anticipate possible problems. ITSM has many functions to better anticipate the impact of changes.

Thanks to the formalization of change processes and the use of a single repository, it is easier to trace the course of the steps to come. Automation also simplifies the process through automated approvals.

Essential in addition, the prediction of conflicts and the impact of changes is one of the main assets of ITSM: the combination of precise data by the tool makes it possible to generate analyzes and make the right strategic choices when any transition. Risk prediction allows for early intervention and more accurate calculation of performance.


Configuration Management

Configuration management, based on a CMDB (for Configuration Management DataBase), makes it possible to establish a complete inventory of the resources available to the IT department. The modeling of processes, even complex ones, ensures better control of the work environment. By using standards for the data exchanged and verifying their accuracy, the tool checks that resource forecasts and analyzes are carried out on the right basis. The environment, made up of elements called CI (Configuration Items), can be viewed easily by IT stakeholders, with the use of filters to better study certain events and a constant forecast of risks.


Request management

Request management makes it possible to establish quality responses to user requests through service catalogs, service level agreements (Service Level Agreement) establishing a quality standard and automated updates for a service that is always functional and adapted to recent needs. Thus, from any device, users or customers can be informed of the progress of their request and access a large number of self-service resources to speed up its resolution. The automated escalation process ensures that requests are automatically forwarded to the people most qualified to handle them. The definition of service standards ensures quality processing and good traceability of all the actions carried out.


Work environment and mobility of requests

Recent ITSM software also focuses on the user-friendliness of exchanges between IT and users. Thus, on the IT side, an intuitive workspace makes it possible to quickly understand the key resolution steps, to act quickly and to have suggestions from the tool. Functions for searching or assigning tasks according to availability as well as a dynamic display of information make it possible to exchange with the user while having the right information.

In addition, the development of mobile applications allows users to initiate queries on mobile without losing information quality. Access to the service catalog and to ticketing is then combined with mobile-specific features, such as optimized displays or photo search.


Performance analysis and cost tracking

The very successful processing of requests by ITSM software is accompanied by comprehensive reporting and intelligent analyses. The key performance indicators (KPI) chosen are presented by the tool in a dynamic wayfriendly and in real time. The analysis tools also have the ability to highlight areas for improvement and to offer a presentation based on a model for maximum time saving, or customizable for the choice of perfectly adapted indicators.

The tracking of expenses and resources contributes to this analysis function and offers more agility during the processing of requests. Thanks to good inventory management and precise knowledge of assets, it becomes easier to automate certain ordering processes and therefore save valuable time

Very rich, the functionalities of ITSM software cover many other needs. Depending on the version chosen or the budget invested, the artificial intelligence integrated into the tools increases the number of possibilities. Predictive intelligence and virtual agents are then added to the basic functions and improve the company's ability to automate the processing of requests.


What points to pay attention to when choosing your ITSM software?

The criteria for choosing an ITSM solution are both organizational and technical. To the ease of use must be added a great simplicity of configuration and evolution. Thus, the tool can support the IS at any time and adapt to their constant changes.


The ability to automate

Automation is the main asset of ITSM tools: companies have every interest in exploiting it to successfully tackle the all-digital era and the rise of artificial intelligence. The use of bots and the performance by the computer of repetitive and not very complex tasks is now offered by a large number of management tools on the market and should contribute to a profound improvement in team productivity.

Beyond efficiency, it is also the interest of jobs and the attractiveness of companies that benefit from this type of innovation, since the tasks performed by humans are then more qualitative and therefore interesting. At a time when users are sometimes negatively impacted by cost limitations, which generate less qualitative services, automation is a great and relevant response. For the company, the key is to opt for truly intelligent automation, which takes into account the entirety of business processes and establishes a scope for them.


Flexibility of use and configuration

Whether it is basic or very feature-rich, it is important that the chosen ITSM tool is easy to use for employees, with also an intuitive creation of requests for users. User-friendliness is essential to establish a satisfactory “consumer” type experience. Since frequent process changes may occur during the total duration of use of the software, the configuration of the latter must be able to be modified simply, without the intervention of the publisher or an external consultant. To properly address this issue of flexibility, it is important to first consider the needs, by categorizing the essential prerequisites and the desired optional elements. The compatibility of the ITSM software with other tools should also be examined for full exploitation of the functionalities, and in the long term.


Simple integration and interfacing

For maximum efficiency, ITSM software must be able to communicate with the other tools in place. The full synchronization of the applications between them makes it possible to then exploit only one user base, and therefore to greatly simplify the handling of the software on a daily basis. Similarly, resource management requires inventory functions rich enough so that no data is forgotten when communicating with other tools. This point is all the more crucial since ITSM software, which is less subject than other tools to standards for exchange with business software, offers very variable integration capabilities depending on the publisher

It will also be useful to plan for the longer term: ITIL processes affect more and more areas of the company. It is therefore essential to verify the ability of the tool to easily deploy these processes in other services, without the need for additional development.


Quality deployment and maintenance

The challenge of choosing one ITSM solution over another is twofold: in addition to the cost and quality of implementation, the solution may include frequent and more or less costly maintenance, depending on the publisher.

In terms of integration, given the still modest use of ITSM solutions, publishers frequently play the role of integrator. This factor can be an asset: the company that produced the tool will indeed be well placed to guide and support the s employees during its implementation. However, some publishers only provide limited advice, it is best to inquire in advance. Independent integrators trained in ITSM codes have a distanced vision and varied experience, which can be a real advantage.

The maintenance and the scalability of the solution are to be studied beforehand. An essential software element for CIOs, ITSM software must be able to adapt quickly and with less effort to market changes to offer continuous performance. 
