Modern ERP: digital, agile and mobile

ERP is one of the IT solutions that have accompanied companies for a long time and adapt to their evolution. This management specialist software has incorporated many new technologies and features over the years. Today, modern ERP differs in several respects from its first versions: a resolutely digital solution, it responds to new uses, with advantages of agility, personalization and mobility.


Too heavy, too expensive, too complicated, too rigid or not scalable enough? Get rid of these misconceptions about ERP. Its longevity proves that it evolves quickly and remains at the forefront of new technologies. Modern ERP has become a communicating solution par excellence that connects the company to its ecosystem and meshes its operations with unprecedented digital flows.


A data-centric solution

Today, many sources of data are involved in industrial operations and processes. Commercial data in customer interface, production data and workshop data collected by the sensors of connected industrial objects, among others. Modern ERP collects everything on its centralized database, standardizes all this data, processes it and analyzes it according to all the rules for managing the activity. Another ability at the heart of modern ERP: connect this data so that they mutually provide context and thus enrich the analyzes and information with added value in terms of management and decision-making — including ratios, indicators, thresholds alert...


Thus, modern ERP is a real data processing solution, it helps to mesh all digital flow operations and contributes directly to the digital transformation of the activity. This digitization at the heart of modern ERP is one of its major characteristics from which many new possibilities arise in operational management.


A smart tool for decision making

Who says ability to decompartmentalize, consolidate and analyze operational data, says visibility on everything that happens in the activity. Decision-making support is sharpened by modern ERP thanks to its Business Intelligence (BI) functionalities, often coupled with an integrated requester to query the various data collected on its central database.


In particular, BI makes it possible to identify trends in activity as soon as they appear, and this much faster than human operators could. For example, if the sales of a product go down, the modern ERP spots it immediately via its BI. By delivering information, the solution allows decision-makers to arbitrate the adjustments required to avoid any financial loss, market share or profitability. In doing so, ERP generates savings, optimizations and better performance.


Automation extended by modern ERP


ERP is the IT tool par excellence for automating repetitive tasks and providing them with reliability and precision. The digital data flows involved in its modern version make it possible to digitize and automate a large number of operations, starting with entries that no longer need to be duplicated in different tools.


In modern ERP, automation is responsible, among other things, for the automatic chaining of steps in a workflow. From a single initial entry, the ERP uses the data at all the milestones in the chain at which they occur. For example, editing an estimate automatically leads to editing a purchase order, then a manufacturing order and finally, the associated invoice. All in a few clicks by the users with, at the end of the day, a substantial gain in time and precision, without errors that could require a complete process to be redone. The modern ERP thus makes it possible to get rid of many repetitive tasks and to concentrate on those, more strategic and more demanding, which contribute to the growth of the company.


Several customization levers

Modern ERP allows customization of data models. In particular, its interfaces are designed so that users can create new tables within the data model, rename, complete, delete information as the activity progresses and configure tailor-made data querying — by attributes, data conditions. execution, variables in the various scenarios. Personalization can thus reach a fine level of detail to adapt to the specificities at the heart of the processes unique to each company. Ranges, nomenclatures, cost price, launch price…. The ERP embeds all these criteria and allows them to be configured on a case-by-case basis, for example to define a range of products with several variants and options.


Other axis of people onalization: ERP focuses on the user experience – i.e. the employees who work on the solution on a daily basis. Also, modern ERP takes more and more account of internal uses, of the way of “consuming” the solution and adapts in particular through catalogs of services and functionalities.


Modern ERP is necessarily mobile

Dematerialized data networked by the ERP offer the possibility of remote and mobile use, on mobile terminals. Thus, with modern ERP, users access their data from anywhere with a simple Internet connection.


This results in new uses of ERP, since it is no longer necessary to constantly return to the screen of a desktop computer to consult the data. Users can move around the workshop as well as outside the company: managers to monitor productivity on the line, sales representatives meeting with customers, operators who access safety procedures and instructions whatever the machine on which they work… this mobility is in many ways a source of flexibility.


ERP SaaS and multiple simplification

The agility of modern ERP is also evident in its new SaaS versions, i.e. in cloud service mode. Indeed, Cloud deployment is becoming widespread in ERP offers where the software is hosted on the publisher's servers and accessible by users via an Internet connection.


The company using an ERP SaaS benefits from all the simplifications provided by the model: no license to buy, no deployment on its servers, no maintenance or updates to manage. For a monthly subscription, the ERP SaaS is accessible all inclusive.


For users, ERP SaaS means immediate access to the solution as soon as it is put into service, the certainty of working on an operational, configured and up-to-date ERP. And if they need new features, getting them up and running is quick and easy.


Modern ERP is a scalable solution

Mobility, Cloud, digitalization… It is obvious that monolithic and “heavy” ERP is no longer appropriate. The agility of modern ERP is instilled at all levels, from its conception. Thus, ERP is now designed according to a modular architecture, following a simplified and more à la carte configuration and deployment: a company chooses the modules it wishes to activate, without having to immediately deploy all the functionalities of the solution.


This modularity then ensures the scalability of the solution via its additional modules to support the company in its growth – diversification, new markets, internationalization, etc. Modern ERP is thus seen as an interoperable solution, ready for the future. Ideal for moving the company to industry 4.0, modern ERP brings performance and competitiveness assets to the heart of success.
