To whom should you entrust your ERP project: publisher or integrator?

Condition of a successful ERP project: that the implemented solution meets the project objectives. However, for the ERP software to deliver what is expected, it must be chosen and then customized, whatever the company's practices — case management, advanced planning , mobility, CAD interface… This is why the service provider who implements the ERP plays a strategic role. Two options are available to the company to be well supported: appoint an integrator who relays the editor, or collaborate from start to end with the editor who is in charge of the integration.


Publisher or integrator, the service provider in charge of integrating an ERP will also support the company on the life cycle of the solution. Its service will thus combine advice, solution, integration, training, support, maintenance and version upgrade.


At what stages does the service provider intervene during an ERP project?

An ERP project lasts six to twelve months in an SME or ETI, including the integration phase. From the start of the project, the company must properly manage multiple preparatory stages and be able to count on its service provider. These stages are also an opportunity to check the quality of service offered – in particular the ability to adapt to the company’s process, its planning and its development project.


Thus, after having laid out the processes to clarify those that the ERP will have to support, the company will write the specifications. This structuring tool for the project will help to choose the right solution from the market offer, but it is also a real communication tool with the service provider. Then come the demonstrations, and the Proof Of Concept, essential steps to judge the quality of a future ERP partner. The installation of the ERP in the company implies its configuration according to its business and its particularities. Before it is put into service, tests and acceptance tests make it possible to fine-tune the final settings. Deployment is then done by module and/or by phase, or all at once, with support for getting started.


These steps all require advice and support from the company, because equipping yourself with an ERP is a major investment and a long-term project that must be given every chance of success.


Solicit an integrator in an ERP project

An integrator agrees on the functional response to the specifications, on a budget, a schedule and deadlines. If the company chooses to work with an integrator, the latter must above all fully understand its client, its activity, its constraints and processes. But also master the ERP chosen to configure it perfectly according to the specifications of the company, and offer advice at critical stages.


Once the ERP is in service in the company, the integrator remains mobilized to answer users' questions, their new needs and use cases as the activity evolves. He is also responsible for the stabilization phase with personalized additional training, services for setting up new states, or indicators specific to certain functions.


Keep in mind: an integrator is also an intermediary in the project between client and publisher. It may happen that the roles of each other are poorly defined, that the relays extend certain delays. In this type of project, communication must therefore be well established in order to bring together all the stakeholders.


Entrust the integration of the ERP to the editor

This scenario offers the interest of a single company that brings a team with all the required profiles - commercial, consultant, R&D, Support. So many professionals who coordinate around their client's ERP project with the aim of making it a success.


Obviously, the publisher's team has a perfect command of ERP, with the advantage of direct access to the resources that design, develop and develop the solution. For industrial SMEs and ETIs, which often have very specific processes and specific business constraints, this is the guarantee of a quick and reliable response on what can be done to adapt the solution, and how go about it – with transparency on any additional cost.


Specific developments are all the better taken into account if they are also useful to the publisher. Indeed, coming from the field, they provide him with valuable information on the changes to be made to his ERP, and on the specific requests to be definitively integrated into the ERP to meet the needs of similar customers.


Because he masters the entire project cycle and then remains alongside the company in its use of the solution, an integrator publisher also allows the establishment of a collaboration conducive to the transfer of skills. . An important point to give maximum autonomy to the company.


The points of attention to make the right choice

An integrator can be a good solution for a company that only operates on one site, because an integrator is often a local service provider located nearby. For certain services, in particular in the event of hardware, server or other failure, this proximity promotes great responsiveness and on-site presence within short deadlines for troubleshooting. Another advantage: lower travel costs.

  • Points of attention: it is useful to calculate the maintenance costs, as they can be high. Indeed, these costs will combine the support contract of the integrator and that of the publisher, which is essential to benefit from product updates. Another check to make: the vertical specialization of the publisher must correspond to the sector of the company. Better is an editor with references in the field, proof that he knows how to carry out ERP projects such as that of the company.

An integrator publisher of course has the advantage of an unparalleled knowledge of its solutions. Hence, among other benefits, often more responsive and qualitative support and hotline services, with direct access to the people who develop the product. Also, a community of users to discuss with other customers on issues similar to those of the company.

  • Point of attention: unlike an integrator, an ERP publisher has little chance of finely meshing a region with its own teams. There may therefore be a certain distance to cover in the event of an on-site intervention when its teams are not nearby.

According to market figures, more than half of projects are entrusted to an integrator. However, it is up to each company to make its choice. To better assess whether the project is more likely to succeed with an integration led by the editor itself, do not hesitate to question it and ask it for information on its structure. In particular, the key figures including those which prove its financial reliability, but also the key dates which testify to its seniority, or its previous developments for similar customers. Availability and responsiveness must also be guaranteed to carry out the project. Finally, concerning the life cycle of the ERP, the company must have visibility on what the publisher offers in terms of update frequency, support, hotline, training and the cost of additional services. who ensure the proper functioning of the solution and the comfort of users.
