Should you insure a car without a gray card?

The gray card is one of the essential documents to be able to drive, along with the driving license and insurance. How to insure your vehicle without a registration certificate?

Valid for life, the gray card contains all the information relating to the car and its owner. This document is mandatory to be able to drive a vehicle, as specified in the Highway Code. Can we insure a car without a gray card? Explanations.


The gray card, mandatory to take out car insurance

The registration certificate contains several pieces of information concerning the vehicle and its holder:

·      The name and address of the holder of the gray card;

·      The license plate of the vehicle;

·      The characteristics of the vehicle;

·      The compliance of the car with regulatory technical requirements;

·      The date of first circulation.


In France, all motorized land vehicles must have a gray card. Indeed, this document attests to the possibility of free circulation on the public highway. The law also requires the driver to insure his vehicle. To take out car insurance, he must provide: the definitive registration certificate, a copy of the valid driving licence, a statement of information (document provided by the insurer on which the previous claims or the reduction coefficient appear) increase).


In fact, it is not possible to insure a car without a registration document. Indeed, the registration certificate is one of the three mandatory documents to insure a classic vehicle. For cars without a license, it is even the only proof requested by insurers. Similarly, insuring a car without having a license is not an option.


Insure a car with a gray card that is not in your name

If the driver cannot insure his car without a registration document, he has the option of insuring it in the name of another person. However, although this practice is perfectly legal, insurers are still reluctant to respond to this type of request.


In this case, it is essential to inform the insurance company of the desire to differentiate the insured from the holder of the gray card. The insured then has three options:

·      Be insured as the main driver for a vehicle on behalf of another person;

·      Be insured as a secondary driver on the main driver's insurance contract;

·      Use the vehicle as an occasional driver, in which case it does not have to be declared on the car insurance contract.

If the insurer agrees to insure a vehicle that is not in your name, you will benefit from all the guarantees provided for in the contract in return for payment of the insurance premium. Depending on the frequency of use of the vehicle, it is possible to opt for a third-party, third-party + or all-risks contract. Do not hesitate to compare the offers online to make the right choice according to your needs and your budget. It is advisable to make at least three free and non-binding quote requests before making a final choice.
