How to choose your PLM (Product Lifecycle Management) software?

Initiated with the need for engineering to have information that is always reliable, the Product Lifecycle Management method then turned into a software tool. Its ability to make the link between the business lines of the company and to unify the many phases of creation of a product has made its success today. In a context of intense competition in most sectors, PLM is the best weapon to optimize the transmission of information and accelerate time-to-market.

If, in 2018, only 41% of French companies were equipped, the prospect of decompartmentalizing trades and making processes more reliable appeals to decision-makers. The rigor of the processing of exchanges and data by a PLM tool frees human stakeholders and facilitates innovation. Achieving an optimal level of performance, however, requires a certain personal investment on the part of all employees: the definition of a detailed need and the flexibility of the modules chosen are the main keys to successful use.


What is Product Lifecycle Management and what is its history?

We can estimate that the appearance of the concept of product life cycle dates back to the 1930s, when the advertiser Otto Kleppner formulated the three stages through which he believed products passed: innovation, competition and loyalty.

Subsequently, towards the end of the 1950s, this life cycle was further detailed by the consulting firm Booz Allen Hamilton with the following stages: launch, growth, maturity, saturation, decline.

The current product life cycle is strongly inspired by these stages and, as early as 1985, more general principles were formulated to further govern the management of the different life stages. Initially widely used by industry, the concept then made it possible to unify very technical methods and languages around the same project.

Subsequently, many other industries realized the need to shorten design cycles and development costs, and optimize product volumes to properly meet demand. The growing production of documents and diagrams has given rise to the need to better formalize the prerequisites and to ensure continuity of information.

PLM today designates the software tools, processes and methods ensuring this sharing of information. From development to marketing and then to the end of the product's life, PLM ensures the continuity of the processing of requirements while promoting communication and accelerating production. In a context of intense competitiveness, software solutions on the market improve coordination and provide better weapons in the service of cost savings.


What are the challenges of using PLM software?

Accelerate innovation

PLM is the best weapon for companies to innovate faster and be more inventive. With complex markets and ever-changing trends, companies need to be responsive and quickly leverage their resources to serve consumer needs. Once the positioning of a product has been chosen, development is a key phase, which must be as qualitative as it is efficient.

In order to reconcile user expectations, current regulations and raw material costs, PLM pools market information and knowledge available internally. The very vertical operation formerly used - and particularly time-consuming - is replaced by a global and collaborative tool which has all the necessary resources at the moment T. The work can thus begin more quickly, on the basis of reliable field data and immediately available . Decision-making is accelerated and innovation leads to production more quickly.


Optimize production through automation

Holder of all the technical information concerning the product, the PLM makes it possible to automate certain data processing processes. The stages of validation or updating of documents and catalogs can thus be carried out quickly, without administrative delays. The tool also leverages the data to perform accurate simulations to directly eliminate unviable configurations. Added to this is the generation and organization of documents as well as decision-making support.

Industry 4.0 can exploit the pooling capacity of PLM to automate production processes: the rapid dissemination of key production information by the tool and the autonomy of the machines combine for a more efficient implementation than with human participants, with a very low error rate.


Eliminate errors and improve quality

Regulations are now strict, regardless ofthe type of product. Their scrupulous respect not only makes it possible to create a product that complies with the safety and hygiene standards expected on the market, but also to work for the brand image of the company. PLM makes it possible to better manage the specifications and not miss any of these regulatory elements. Product Lifecycle Management tools are not only involved in the validation of BOMs and specifications, but their error-free management of manufacturing sheets is also the key to flawless production. Whether it concerns input data or their processing during manufacturing, the PLM tool ensures compliance with all prerequisites. The product can thus be created more quickly, with an optimal level of quality. The effect is all the more virtuous as the actors in the production chain, supported by the software, then have more availability to improve the quality of their infrastructure.


Lower the costs

PLM is a particularly interesting tool since it contributes to both product quality and production efficiency. Thus, companies using PLM reduce their costs without neglecting quality or regulations. Sources of savings can be found at many points in the life cycle, particularly in the design phase, a particularly onerous stage. PLM intervenes at many levels to enable teams to become more efficient. Automation is an essential asset for the organization: validation of documents, automated transmission of data, consultation of costs, simulations and execution of certain processes by the tool not only free time for employees but also contribute to the interest of the project and everyone's involvement.


Be a forerunner on market trends

Competition is fierce in many sectors, and innovation requires technical and human resources as well as time for market research. These resources are difficult to obtain for companies, which must constantly reduce their time-to-market in order to meet constantly changing demands. By using an appropriate software solution, it becomes possible to save precious time here and there and to focus efforts on innovation, a crucial element for the products of tomorrow. The perspective offered by PLM tools makes it possible to question the positioning, the methods used, and to exploit the collaborative aspect to bring out innovative ideas. Having a 360° view of the organization ensures effective information collection, to be used for future products.



Who are the users of PLM software?

PLM is intended to be used by all the actors of the company. Among the employees most involved in its use are the following profiles:


Product designers

For collaborators in charge of product design, PLM facilitates access to essential information bases and makes it possible to anticipate how this product will be sold. Easier communication with merchandising and production helps to anticipate potential pitfalls and the automation of low value-added tasks allows you to focus on the creative aspect. The cost information and forecasts offered by the tool are assets for making the right choices from the start.


Purchasing and supplier managers

The choice of suppliers and raw materials is made easier on the basis of the information provided by the PLM. This offers a complete view of needs and allows you to know sourcing costs in advance. This makes it easier to establish a supplier base and avoid irrelevant or superfluous supplies.


Product development teams

The centralization of technical information concerning the product speeds up the collection of raw materials. Data reliability ensures more efficient, error-free creation. Any specification changes can be notified in real time to avoid wasting time. The collaborative aspect ensures exhaustive coverage of all the contributions and the tool makes it possible to clearly visualize the priorities.


Managers and decision makers

For managers and executives, steering elements promote perspective on the product and the organization. Overall cost, simulations concerning production or the expected rate of adoption, creation of reports and information on all internal or external novelties: many management assistance elements ensure greater agility for the organization.


What are the main features of Product Lifecycle Management software?

Most software on the market has standard features and additional modules to take advantage of all the possibilities of PLM and adapt the installation to the user company. Depending on their maturity and the specificity of their business, companies can opt for a simple or very personalized tool.


Document Management

GED and PLM are intimately linked: the administration of technical documents concerning the life and specifications of the product are basic elements of PLM software. These offer complete monitoring of data exchanges, but also the possibility of automatically producing or validating certain common documents. The challenge is all the more important as many errors and/or version updates can occur during the life of a product. The creation of standardized documents, whose quality is valid at all times, eliminates uncertainties and facilitates research.


BOM and requirements management

Many elements define the structure of a product. Specifications, nomenclatures, technical drawings are part of the constituent elements of this one. Thanks to the compatibility of PLM tools on the market with technical documentation software, the data in question is accurately and consistently recorded to define a repository adapted to each product.

Computer-aided design (CAO/DAO) allows the creation of 2D models and 3D models, which are used by PLM for scrupulous compliance with requirements. The validity of the many external elements used by the models is checked at all times and the nomenclatures thus available are always accessible and reliable.


Cost and quality management

By recording the different life phases and allocated resources, PLM assists decision makers and accounting departments in calculating costs. PLM software processes often include in-depth cost estimates that allow you to know the expenses at each stage, but also to anticipate risks and better prepare for the future.

In addition, PLM tools take into account all aspects of expected quality, whether in use or environmental impact. Error-free product data, quick and relevant feedback on product tests, constant verification of compliance ensure the manufacture of a more reliable product. Verification and validation times are reduced and contribute to shortening the time-to-market.


Reporting and analysis

The reporting offered by PLM tools is intended, on the one hand, for decision-makers and managers, who can thus monitor the performance indicators of the entire product design and assign tasks on this basis in an agile manner. But it is also a valuable help to employees of all trades, who can thus situate their action within the project as a whole. Depending on their modularity, the PLM tools on the market offer analyzes ranging from the standard table to the most customizable graphs. The interactivity of the interfaces is now sufficiently developed for all users of the tool to be able to create a complete report adapted to their business. It is therefore possible for all the key stakeholders to make strategic decisions based on indicators that they fully understand.


Collaboration management

By including a strong collaborative aspect, PLM ensures data continuity from one work team to another. The traceability of exchanges, observations and modifications is coupled with advanced search functions. The whole constitutes a very clear chronological thread, with unified data formats understandable by all the professions involved in the project. For field jobs, the dispersion of employees is no longer an obstacle to productivity: data exchanges are not only more fluid, but contribute to more harmonious joint work and the unification of teams around a common philosophy. of business.


What points to pay attention to when choosing your PLM software?

Truly complementary to ERP, PLM must offer maximum flexibility throughout the entire product life cycle. The essential selection criteria therefore go in this direction and must direct the choice towards a tool that is modular and as personalized as possible.


The adequacy of the PLM software with the business characteristics

This is one of the key success criteria for using a PLM. R&D, product development, quality, purchasing, production, logistics: PLM users are numerous, and so are their methods. Functional coverage is an important point, but it is even more essential that the tool chosen for thisrne perfectly the business uses in order to optimize the processes. Communication between trades must be as harmonious as possible so that the thread of information transmission is not broken, resulting in a real gain in productivity. Specific sectors — for example, industry or agri-food — have their own business uses, to which PLM must be able to adapt via relevant data processing. In this case, it will be wise to choose a tool specialized in the sector. To guarantee a good knowledge, the chosen publisher must have among its customers companies of similar size, with comparable problems. Thus, the support offered will be more targeted and any questions will be answered more quickly.


A PLM solution that meets the needs

PLM can meet a large number of needs: the trick is to identify which are the most important. This can be the management of technical documents (main problem for French companies using a PLM tool), CAD data management for highly technical industries and sectors, or even the monitoring of quality data. Depending on the need, the modules to be implemented will be different. The configuration of the tools on the market being very flexible, it is essential to precisely determine the objective to be achieved in order to obtain software that will effectively fulfill its mission.

Defining the need requires the involvement of all stakeholders. The prerequisites can vary greatly from one profession to another: the construction of complex nomenclatures, the monitoring of subcontracting or compliance with standards and regulations can be part of it.


The flexibility of the PLM software and the existence of additional and business modules

PLMs often offer standard modules and extended functionalities. This second category includes enablers such as product analysis or product portfolio management, but also key elements such as supplier management or quality life cycle management. The choice of specific modules must not make the whole thing rigid: they must be interconnected and exchange data in a simple way, within the company but also in the field, via mobile applications.

A successful PLM must be able to adapt to the needs and requirements of a company, but also evolve with it. In a context where processes are bound to change rapidly, the chosen PLM solution must be able to follow workflow changes without requiring the editor's intervention. Faced with PLM solutions sometimes considered too rigid, service-oriented architectures make it possible to obtain this agility.


Compatibility with the tools already in place in the company

Because of its information gathering function, PLM must be able to communicate with other critical software solutions in the organization. The most important of these are ERP and CAD tools. Thanks to the first, the PLM will be able to rely on reliable information about the company's resources and processes. ERP will ensure the execution of tasks and workflows, while PLM will optimize the use of resources in the service of innovation.

As for the CAD tool, the PLM will be able to use its detailed modeling to create a product of optimal quality. The synergy between PLM and CAD also means faster updating of models following various version changes. Creating a single repository eliminates back and forth information and therefore the potential for error.

PLM therefore benefits the company all the more as it offers compatibility with existing tools. Support for innovation and management will be all the more powerful: fewer duplicated tasks and exchanges of external information allow greater clarity of analysis.
