Digital time clock: operation, advantages and price

Labor law regulations and more particularly in terms of monitoring working hours require companies to be rigorous on the subject. To make life easier for businesses, it is possible to use a time clock and there are several types. We invite you to see below what a digital time clock is, what advantages and what limits are there to prefer them to others. Finally, we will enlighten you on the alternatives as well as the cost of this type of solution.


What is a digital time clock?

As its name suggests, the digital clock is characterized by the computerized processing of data relating to working time.



The digital time clock processes data relating to the working time of employees. For this, the data is exported and organized through human resources management software. It is therefore a valuable tool to facilitate the payroll processing of data relating to attendance time.



The digital time clock records the entries and exits of the company's employees. For this, this type of clock has the following features:

  • dedicated access for each employee with a unique identifier;
  • a digital signature to avoid any dispute;
  • access to the work schedule defined by management.
  • On the business side, this device offers these features:

simplified control of employee attendance, particularly in the case of multi-site management;

  • the display and sorting of any anomalies such as absences, delays, etc. ;
  • connection with staff schedules;
  • simplified updating of variable payroll elements.


A digital clock with clocking software or without?

The main advantage of this pointing solution lies in the link with the pointing software. Indeed, this coupling between the two solutions makes it possible to avoid the multiplication of tools and therefore to gain in flexibility and productivity.

It is therefore strongly recommended that you equip yourself with a digital clock with clocking software.


What are the advantages and limitations of a digital time clock?

The digital clock is the ideal solution for accurately tracking the working times of its employees, whether on site or remotely.

Here is an overview of the advantages and limitations of this type of solution.


  • Allows detailed activity reports
  • Quick verification in case of working time dispute
  • Simplified transmission with payroll software


  • Possibility of fraud
  • Needs to sometimes demonstrate pedagogy with employees
  • Limited efficiency if the number of employees is large (>1000)


What are the alternatives to a digital time clock?

There are other possibilities for carrying out the hourly clocking of the working hours of its employees. We can cite :

  • the mechanical time clock: this is the basic system adapted to small businesses which makes it possible to record the entries and exits of its employees. Its operation is done using a scorecard;
  • the badge reader: this system is based on badges or cards to be inserted into a terminal;
  • the mobile clock: this is the ideal solution for monitoring relocated personnel;
  • the biometric time clock: ultra-secure, this time clock is very popular for limiting access to certain areas of a company. It is not as such a tool whose purpose is to control working time.


How much does a digital time clock cost?

The prices of a digital clock remain relatively variable. However, including installation and data management costs, the price starts at around 500€.

Nevertheless, it remains difficult to give a truly representative price range. Indeed, the cost of a digital clock must be linked to your needs (staff on site, number of employees to manage, etc.) and the constraints of your activity (management of complex schedules, employees working from home, etc.). ).

At the same time, always be sure to educate yourself about all the features. Choose HR software like Factorial that will allow you to manage your employees' clocking and payroll processing in an efficient and simple way.

Keep in mind that the cheapest solution is not always the most relevant solution.
