A Cloud ERP for a VSE: what are the advantages?

Long reserved for medium and large companies, ERP is attracting more and more VSEs with its Cloud mode and its ease of use. By helping the management of commercial and production activities, this tool is a real Swiss army knife for small businesses.


For good reason, ERP software supports you in managing performance and in your growth, while reducing your costs. So why adopt a Cloud ERP when you are a small structure? What are the benefits? Discover all the reasons that can lead you to turn to a Cloud ERP for a VSE.


ERP Cloud vs ERP On Premise: what is the difference?


With an ERP Cloud, all data is made available to users on the web. The company does not have to buy any license because the ERP is accessible through a subscription for its use. All of your data is stored and hosted by the publisher, which provides maintenance, backups and updates. Requiring no on-site deployment, the ERP Cloud is immediately operational for all your employees, from a simple internet connection. This management tool is distinguished by its agility, flexibility and speed of implementation.


Regarding the On Premise mode, the ERP is deployed in the company’s IT infrastructure, and more precisely stored on internal servers. As a result, the organization owns the software solution, which it administers and maintains. ERP On Premise then involves a significant acquisition cost as well as the need for IT resources to ensure the maintenance and security of your data.


In view of these many advantages, ERP in Cloud mode is a tool of the future for an industrial company. Less expensive, more agile and scalable, it is a real asset for any VSE.


An ERP dedicated to VSEs: what are the advantages of the Cloud?


By opting for Cloud ERP software dedicated to VSEs, you are undertaking a real organizational and digital transformation. With the integration of an ERP in Cloud mode, all of your processes will be streamlined and improved.


Get out of office tools


VSEs tend to equip each department with different tools to handle specific needs. Often inexpensive, these tools nevertheless each have limited functionalities, forcing VSEs to multiply the solutions to cover all of their functional needs. This accumulation of software leads to poor communication of information and a significant risk of errors, which can undermine the productivity of the company.


When its growth accelerates, a VSE can feel the limits of these tools and the disparity of the data they generate. The deployment of an ERP then becomes essential for VSEs. The ERP Cloud then makes more sense for small businesses thanks to the simplicity of the model which makes it possible to scale up the ERP functionalities more quickly.


Local ERP suppliers


One of the advantages of ERP Cloud for a VSE is the hosting of data by the solution provider. With the management of your data within their own servers, ERPs offer you a certain flexibility, while reducing the costs or the deployment of internal IT infrastructures. Indeed, a VSE can start small and develop its Cloud solution as its needs grow and change. ERP publishers dedicated to the TPE have the possibility of aligning the solution to your structure.


Energy savings with production planning


Production capacity planning is the central module for industrial VSEs. For good reason, the ERP Cloud makes it possible to optimize all the processes in order to efficiently manage production. For example, a new order placed will be immediately reflected in inventory management and production. Thus the load of the means of production is harmonized in order to reduce load peaks, machine wear and therefore energy consumption during load management.


ERP supporting telework


By going through the Cloud, users are free to connect to the ERP from anywhere, with any device. Wherever an employee is, including at home with the rise of telework, it is possible for them to consult management indicators and other company information on demand. For employees visiting a customer, all account data is also immediately available. This mobility of the management tool is a welcome advantage to support the new hybrid work model and facilitate teleworking.


A secure solution


Equipping yourself with an ERP Cloud also means choosing security. With their innovative architecture, Cloud ERPs guarantee you a completely secure environment for data. All data centers are perfectly maintained and secured by ERP providers.

The modular aspect of an ERP Cloud for a VSE also gives it the ability to be efficient and scalable compared to other hosting methods, which is a guarantee of reliability to be taken into account. Indeed, the ERP in Cloud mode benefits from regular and automatic updates to ensure a certain reliability and security of the company’s information.


Reduced costs


Unlike the traditional ERP model, a Cloud solution is generally billed for use, in the form of a subscription. This type of operation allows any VSE to considerably reduce the budget allocated to the company's software. In addition, all IT management being entrusted to your supplier, you have the possibility of allocating human and financial resources to positions that contribute to growth, development or recruitment.


A Cloud software solution to support your growth


As we have seen, choosing ERP software for your VSE is interesting in more ways than one. Even if it represents a change from an organizational point of view, ERP is a real tool to support a small business in its development. Now largely democratized, this Cloud technology is accessible to all companies at advantageous rates.


By choosing an ERP Cloud, a small business pools its costs, particularly in terms of hosting, maintenance and updating of data. With this software solution, an expenditure forecast is possible for a fully controlled budget.


Both modular and quick to deploy, the Cloud solution can be transformed at the same time as the company: frequency of use, addition of functionalities or even addition of users. This management tool is scalable and adapts to the challenges and problems of each company. The agility and flexibility of ERP thus promote your productivity.


Support for decision-making, cost reduction, real-time adaptation to changes… So many advantages specific to the ERP Cloud and which directly contribute to the growth and performance of VSEs. The integration of an ERP Cloud for a VSE allows your teams to remain focused on their core business, and thus to gain in responsiveness in your activity. However, to move to the Cloud with complete peace of mind, small businesses are advised to carefully choose their service provider (publisher and/or integrator) to be accompanied during the deployment of the ERP. Thus, the transition to Cloud mode will be more secure.
