ERP software: support for the CSR approach?

To date, the contribution of ERP software to the economic performance of a company is well established. This management tool ensures better process consistency and better data integrity within industrial companies. But on the CSR side, what about? In a context where social and environmental issues take a prominent place, the imperative of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is a major challenge for managers.


To deploy an effective CSR approach, having reliable data on the environmental impact during the production cycle of a product becomes essential. In this context, ERP is an effective tool for collecting data and sharing information, in order to implement CSR actions.


Find out how an ERP software solution can contribute to a company's CSR approach while improving its performance.


What is the interest of CSR for an industrial company?

What is CSR?

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) brings together the practices implemented in a company in order to take into account ethical and social issues in their activities. This approach contributes to the effort of sustainable development and contributes to the public good. It can result in a desire to guarantee well-being in the company, to take into account the interests of stakeholders, to respect the normative framework of the CSR policy as well as to align its strategic decisions with the commitments made.


What motivates companies to implement a CSR approach?

The CSR commitment is a factor of economic efficiency and differentiation, for both small and large companies. First of all, the CSR reputation of an organization helps to improve its image and retain its employees. By supporting the environmental and social approach, the company becomes attractive to its employees, customers, suppliers and future employees. The exemplary nature of the company in the CSR approach and the place left to initiatives are real factors of collective commitment and federation around actions in favor of environmental and societal causes.


Faced with changing consumption patterns, consumers are increasingly sensitive to the efforts of companies and to the notion of "reasoned consumption". For this reason, companies have every interest in jumping on the bandwagon in order to meet the expectations of their customers and stand out from the competition. The implementation of a CSR approach and the mobilization of the resources necessary for its deployment are now essential.


In this approach, the ERP is positioned as an effective tool at the service of CSR. The DNA of an ERP is to promote collective performance through the fluid exchange and sharing of information at all levels of the company. This global vision makes it possible to give visibility to the contribution of each employee, as well as to report on the company's commitments.


ERP and environment: a response to CSR issues

Beyond benefiting from better process management, ERP is able to provide an answer to various challenges of the industrial company in terms of CSR.


Resource optimization

The use of an ERP makes it possible to guarantee the optimization of the company's resources: warehouse stocks, sourcing of raw materials, etc. By optimizing the management of production processes, industrial companies can make better use of the raw materials used during production. production, limit breakdowns and scrap, avoid overconsumption and loss of industrial energy, or protect equipment.


Carbon footprint assessment

From accounting to production, including development, sales, purchasing and logistics, all of the company's businesses have an impact on the carbon footprint. It has become essential to anchor carbon footprint management as a strategic objective in an organization. For this to work properly, the data must be correct and complete. It is in this respect that the ERP is a management software capable of participating in carbon accounting. This tool makes it possible to measure the carbon content of each energy used throughout the manufacturing process. The industrial company is then able to assign its carbon footprint to each production input and obtain an overall carbon balance of its production.


Product traceability

The implementation of practices aimed at greater transparency, particularly in terms of product traceability, is becoming a key objective for industrial companies. Faced with the curiosity of consumers eager to know the impact of products and regulations traceability of products for certain sectors of activity, this transparency is possible with an ERP committed to the environment. It makes it possible to establish and facilitate the traceability of the entire supply chain. The ERP tool is able to map the stages of the manufacturing cycle of a product with, in support, certified information.


How to set up a CSR approach?

Opting for an ERP committed to a greener industry? It is the choice of many companies in the industrial sector which attach increasing importance to CSR issues and implement concrete actions.


Use more responsible channels

A company aware of CSR issues will question its way of producing. It can choose to source its raw materials from sectors that are more committed to an approach of respect for the environment. Or, it has the opportunity to engage more strongly in the local industrial fabric by promoting local sectors.


Make ERP a key support for mobilizing stakeholders

To be fully consistent with these CSR issues, the organization must communicate to its partners in complete transparency about its activities and their impacts. In this sense, the company will be able to retain its employees and customers, or even attract new talent. The ERP tool then plays a central role in the sharing of information and in the implementation of all internal and external interactions. ERP is a real lever in the CSR approach of a company that wants to involve its stakeholders in a sustainable way.


Adopting a global approach in the service of performance

The ERP tool also helps companies to create a better close relationship with their partners and suppliers, with the aim of achieving a global CSR approach together. From this more fluid cooperation between the various players results an improvement in performance. The company, then more aware of its environment and the interests of the stakeholders, becomes in this sense more efficient.


In this context, a company can thus move towards innovation in order to find new ways to stand out from the competition or even move towards a more ethical operation, whether at the level of the product or its management. Combining industrial performance and CSR thanks to ERP is possible! However, this is not easy, as it may require the deployment of new tools or new interfaces, while ensuring that it remains in line with the business strategy.


Today, ERP is at the heart of the CSR approach. This management tool makes it possible to report on the commitments of the industrial company by simplifying data collection. Thanks to the ERP committed to the environment, the notion of "industrial just in time" will perhaps tomorrow be replaced by "reasoned just in time". Industrial companies are faced with many challenges in implementing a sustainable CSR approach. It is essential to equip yourself with good management tools and to mobilize all the necessary resources to carry out this change management.
